High School friend, Len Musmeci, with a Largemouth Bass . . . seemingly caught on a cigar minnow. I gotta try that with something Cuban.
Maybe Ivan will take me out in a Contender Center Console for one like this!!
That's Jennings on lower right. His team was South Carolina State Champion. Jennings batter.500 in the Southern Regionals held in Georgia. Almost got to Williamsport!
My neighborhood - right across the street. It is home to schools of Mullet in season . . .and consequently Jacks, Snook and occasional Tarpon and Sharks. Generally, only good for catching bait and casting practice.
Looks like a 3 LB Largemouth from Musmeci's secret spot . . . maybe Catskills or Poconos. He's got dozens of similar pics. I was crazy about bass a long time ago . . . Just never caught enough of them!!
. . . or is this a pic of our local politicians???
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